Partnering and Teaming
As a small business and trusted advisor for our clients, we are always on the lookout for ways to add skills and capabilities through strategic teaming agreements. We view our partners as crucial elements to our overall success and value the relationships we build with them. Government trends toward category management and strategic sourcing make it even more important to bring the most qualified and impressive team. Here are a few reasons why teaming with Corner Alliance feels different:
We pay fast. Even though we’re small, our internal processes enable us to invoice the government quickly so that we can process subcontractor invoices quickly.
We are flexible and responsive. We strive to avoid headache and bureaucracy. Throughout proposal development and contract delivery, we make it simple and painless to work with us.
We know the value we provide. We look for opportunities where we can provide world class delivery for our clients. We want to hire and team with the very best consultants, so we don’t race to the bottom on rates.
We have access. We have a prime contract on the best-in-class Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) - OASIS Small Business Pool 1, Small Business Pool 3, and Unrestricted Pool 4, as well as other contract vehicles. Check out our Contract Vehicles ➞
We are always looking to build our rolodex of potential partners. If you’re interested in learning more about current and future teaming opportunities, or what we could add to your team, please email our Business Development team at bd@corneralliance.com. Our entire team monitors this email for expedited response.