Corner Alliance Announces New CEO
Corner Alliance announces the promotion of Jayme Baumgardner to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Baumgardner’s promotion marks another pivotal moment for the firm as it continues its mission to advance innovative Federal initiatives while fostering a thriving workplace culture.
Corner Alliance Announces Brian Mullery as New Director of Consulting
Corner Alliance, a Washington DC-based Federal government consulting firm dedicated to innovative research and development (R&D), increased access to broadband, and enhanced public safety, is excited to welcome Brian Mullery as its new Director of Consulting. In this key role, Brian will provide leadership, guidance, and oversight to all of our client engagements and our consulting division. His new role will further be crucial as we grow and scale our service offerings, encourage innovation, foster strong partnerships, deliver high quality services while developing top talent, and increase our value to, and the satisfaction of, our clients.
Corner Alliance Announces Cassie Webster as New Director of People
Corner Alliance is excited to welcome Cassie Webster as its new Director of People. With a decade of human resources experience throughout the intelligence, federal, IT, and cybersecurity sectors, Cassie will spearhead Corner Alliance’s talent strategy, fostering employee growth, and drive organizational success.
Corner Alliance Wins Awards in International Marketing Communications Competition for Third Consecutive Year
Corner Alliance won the highest accolades in the 2022 MarCom Awards for the third consecutive year. For initiatives supporting the Department of Commerce (DOC) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)’s Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) Division, Corner Alliance earned one Platinum award, one Gold award, and two Honorable Mentions.
Corner Alliance Awarded NTIA Contract To Ensure High-Speed Internet Access for All Americans by 2030
Corner Alliance has been awarded a program development and administrative services contract with the Department of Commerce (DOC) National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to support the Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth (OICG) with expanding access to high-speed internet for all Americans by the end of the decade.
Corner Alliance Wins Top Awards from International Marketing Communications Competition
Corner Alliance has won the highest awards at the 2021 MarCom Awards, an international creative competition that recognizes outstanding achievement by marketing and communications professionals. This is the second year in a row that Corner Alliance has earned accolades for strategic communications and graphic design achievements, specifically.
Corner Alliance Awarded NIST Contract for Next Generation Wireless R&D Planning and Work Group Facilitation
Corner Alliance has been awarded a contract with the Department of Commerce (DOC) National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Communications Technology Laboratory to support a joint working group with the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Defense (DoD) in identifying next generation wireless research and development (R&D) gaps.
Corner Alliance Awarded OASIS Small Business Pool 3 Contract
Corner Alliance Inc. is delighted to announce that it has been awarded a GSA OASIS SB Pool 3 contract. OASIS SB is a multiple award government wide acquisition contract (GWAC) considered best-in-class for federal agencies seeking innovative solutions and professional services.